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Ham sandwich, please-来个火腿三明治

1 10730 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-10-28

ham sandwich  火腿三明治

order vt. (在旅馆﹑ 饭店等)叫(饭菜﹑ 饮料等)
We haven't ordered yet. 我们还没点菜呢.

hang on 等一下

actually ad.事实上;实际上

hear from 接到 ... 的信息

nope adv. 没有

fruit salad 水果沙拉


Pig: Ham sandwich, please.

Chef: You can’t order that... You’re a pig. It could be a relative。

Pig: Relative?? Hang on... Frankie, hey, it’s your cousin Pig.

Frankie: How youze doin’, Pig?

Pig: Good, good… Listen, how’s your sister?

Frankie: Fine, fine.

Pig: How’s uncle George?

Frankie: Oh, pretty good there.

Pig: And aunt Vivian? zzzz

Frankie: Well, actually... She went out to play bingo last night and we haven’t heard from her since...

Pig: Not a word?

Frankie: Nope. Not a word.

Pig: Better make that a fruit salad.


Chef: 你不能要那个。你是猪,火腿三明治可能是用你亲戚的肉做的。

Pig: 亲戚?等下……你好, Frankie,我是你的表弟。

Frankie: 珍珠猪,你最近怎么样?(此句带有口音,意为How are you doing, Pig?)

Pig: 很好……听着,你妹妹怎么样?


Pig: George大伯呢?


Pig:  Vivian大婶呢?


Pig: 一点消息都没有吗?


Pig: 我还是要个水果沙拉吧。