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【英语知识】Speak, Talk, Say和Tell,用法大有不同!

1 16377 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-03-01

【英语知识】Speak, Talk, Say和Tell,用法大有不同!



 The Principal speaks to us every morning atthe assembly.

 Tom, your boss wants to speak to you.


Talk不及speak庄重,而且多用于说话,少用于书写。 Talk表示两个或更多的人在对话。


 The students were talking loudly in theclassroom, in the very presence of the teacher.

 当宾语是一种语言时,要用 speak 不用 talk 或 say:

 正确: Victor speaks fluent Putonghua.

 错误: Victor talks fluent Putonghua.

 错误: Victor says fluent Putonghua.

 在书面英语, talk 极少用作及物动词,除非在 talk 后接用以下的宾语:

 Stop talking nonsense.

 They are talking business again.

 若不是接用上列的宾语,talk 后必需接用前置词 about。


 正确: Betty and Susan are talking about thetrip to London.

 错误: Betty and Susan are talking their tripto London.



 Please say hello / thank you to your mum.

 What did your father say when you told himabout your plan to get married? 'I cant believe it,' he said.

 He said that he could not believe it.

 可是, say 有时也可用于一些非直述句或陈述句中。


 I want you to say something about how wemet at our wedding party.

 注意 something about how we met并不是用于引述别人所说的真实语句。


 另一方面, tell 并不是用于引述别人所说的话语,而是表达别人的说话中所述的事实或资料:

 He told me about the accident.

 He told his parents the truth.

 He told us a funny story.

 在陈述命令句中,应用 tell 而不用say:

 'Keep quiet,' the teacher said to thestudents.

 The teacher told the students to keepquiet.

 'Dont stay up late,' my mother said to me.

 My mother told me not to stay up late.
