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【中英双语阅读】Facebook libra的出现,将会是微信支付宝的劲敌吗?

1 7172 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-07-18

【中英双语阅读】Facebook libra的出现,将会是微信支付宝的劲敌吗?(关注本站,每天一篇英文简报,了解世界,增进知识)


On the afternoon of July 17, the US House of Representatives held a hearing on Facebook Libra. Calibra CEO Marcus acknowledged in the answer that he would compete with Alipay and WeChat payment, and hoped that Libra can become a global electronic currency.

Facebook libra团队负责人大卫马库斯被“灵魂质问”了8小时。在美国监管层质疑不断,马库斯回答“远远不够”,国会呼吁扎克伯格出席两场听证会。马库斯承认Libra不会和主权货币竞争 但与支付宝、微信竞争。

David Marcus, the head of the Facebook libra team, was asked by the "soul" for 8 hours. In the US, the regulatory authorities continue to question, Marcus replied "not enough", Congress called Zuckerberg to attend two hearings. Marcus admitted that Libra will not compete with sovereign currencies but compete with Alipay and WeChat.

Facebook libra的出现,将会是微信支付宝的劲敌吗?我们将拭目以待!

The emergence of Facebook libra will be the enemy of WeChat and Alipay? We will wait and see!



