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Family life

1 7279 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-02-25

Jane Brown has been maried for 12 years.She has three children and lives in a suburb outside Columbus,Ohio.When her youngest child reached shool age,Jane decided to to back to work.She thought that she should contribute to the household finances.Her salary could make a difference between a financial struggle and a secure financial situation for her family.Jane also felt bored and frustrated in her role as a homemaker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home.Jane was worried about her children's adjustment to this new situation,but she arranged for them to go to stay with a woman nearby after school each afternoon.They seemed to be happy with the arrangement.The problem seemed to be between Jane and her husband Bill.When Jane was at home all day,she was able to clean the house,go grocery shopping ,wash the clothes,take care of the children and cook two or three meals each day.She was very busy,of course,but she succeeded in getting everything done.Now the same things need to be done,but Jane has only evenings and early mornings to do them.Both Jane and Bill are tired when they arive home at 6p.m.Bill is accustomed to sitting down and reading a paper of watching TV until dinners is ready .This is exactly what Jane feels like doing,but someone has to fix dinner and Bill expects it to be Jane.Jane is becoming very angry at Bill;s feels that everything should be the same as it was before Jane went back to work.



简 布朗已经结婚2年了。她有三个孩子,住在俄亥俄州州府哥伦布市郊。最小的孩子够上学年龄时,她决定返回工作岗位。她想她应该为家庭经济做出贡献。她的薪水可能改变家庭经济拮据、节衣缩食这种困境,使家庭经济状况趋于稳定。简对她的家庭主妇的角色也感到极度厌倦、非常失望了,因此渴望更多地参与到家庭以外的社会生活中去。简担心她的孩子们适应不了这种新的变化,于是做出安排,让孩子们每天下午放学后去跟邻近一位妇女在一起。孩子们似乎对这样的安排很满意。问题好像在于简和她的丈夫比尔之间。以前简整天在家的时候,她清扫屋子,去百货店购物,清洗衣服,照料孩子,每天煮两三顿饭,样样事情都能干。不用说,她忙个不停,但她把家务活都干好了。现在,一样的家务需要人做,可是简只有在傍晚和早晨才能做家务。简和比尔下午六点回到家里,两人都觉得劳累了。比尔习惯于坐下来看报或看电视,直到晚餐做好为止。这恰恰也是简希望做的事。但总得有人准备晚餐。比尔盼望这个人是简。简对比尔的态度很生气。她觉得他们两人应该共同分担家务,但比尔认为一切应该照旧,就像简重返工作岗位以前那样