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5 Simple Steps to a Gorgeous Party Look

1 5392 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-10-26

5 Simple Steps to a Gorgeous Party Look

A busy filmmaker [ˈfilmˌmeikə](电影制作人) and mom of two, Antoinette Parkinson, 39, has eliminated(消除) makeup [ˈmeɪkˌʌp](化妆) from her daily life. "I'd still like to dress up(精心打扮) my face for a night out(晚上出去)," she says, "but now I'm afraid of overdoing(做的过多) it." To help her keep her vow [vaʊ](誓言) to be more adventurous [ædˈventʃərəs](大胆的) this holiday season, we brought in makeup artist(化妆师) Troy Surratt to walk her through five easy steps to a gorgeous [ˈɡɔ:dʒəs](高贵的) party face.

Step 1.
With a damp [dæmp](湿的) makeup sponge [spʌndʒ](海绵), pat [pæt](轻拍) on a liquid foundation, which will give your complexion [kəmˈplekʃən](肤色) a sheer [ʃiə](有轮廓的), dewy [ˈdju:i](水嫩的) finish. Focus on areas where your skin tone is uneven [ʌnˈi:vən](不均衡)—usually around your nose and across your cheeks. Use a large brush [brʌʃ](刷子) to dust(清扫) a translucent [trænsˈlu:sənt, trænz-](半透明的) loose powder(蜜粉) all over to set the foundation [faunˈdeiʃən,faʊnˈdeɪʃn](粉底霜).

Step 2.
To add a warm glow(温暖的光泽), brush a slightly shimmery(闪烁的) bronzer(古铜色化妆品) along your cheekbones(脸颊骨)blending(混合) it from the apples all the way to your hairline [ˈheəlain](发迹线).

Step 3.
Apply a sparkling cream shadow(涂上闪烁的眼影膏) on your lids, concentrating it on the area from your upper lashline(睫毛线) to your crease [kri:s](皱纹). Then apply the shadow in a sheerer wash just beneath [biˈni:θ](位于..的下方) your browbone(眉骨).

Step 4.
Brush on two coats of black mascara(黑色睫毛膏), or try false lashes(假睫毛). The key to easy application [ˌæpliˈkeiʃən](应用): Lay a makeup mirror flat on a table in front of you(将化妆镜平放在你前面的桌旁) so you're looking down when you press on(进行) the lashes.

Step 5.
With a lip brush(嘴唇刷), apply a classic crimson lipstick(经典的深红色的口红). Define(限定) the edges of your mouth, particularly your cupid's bow, with a lip liner(唇线笔) that matches your natural lip color. The liner will also keep the color from bleeding after that first glass of Champagne(香槟酒)

Parkinson happily lets her hair down to complement [ˈkɔmplimənt](衬托) her new party look.