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电话英语:科学家用激光造雨 人类科学史上的一大进步

1 8709 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-09-19

      Scientists claim that they will soon be able to create the washout conditions.



  Using a powerful laser, researchers have created water droplets in the air.






      The technique, called laser-assisted water condensation, could one day unlock the secrets of weather cycles and enable humans to decide where and when it rains.




      While “cloud seeding” has existed for some time it is not considered a safe way of creating rainclouds because it involves filling the atmosphere with small particles such as dry ice and silver iodide.




      This means that while raindrops can form, chemicals are often spread far and wide and potentially damage the environment.




      The new laser method is different because it uses natural humidity levels and atmospheric conditions to create water droplets.




      Physicist Jerome Kasparian, of the University of Geneva, said: “The laser can run continuously, you can aim it well, and you don't disperse huge amounts of silver iodide in the atmosphere.”




  “You can also turn the laser on and off at will, which makes it easier to assess whether it has any effect. When you disperse silver iodide into the sky, it is very hard to know whether it would have rained anyway,” Kasparian added.


  “你可以随时开关激光,这样就能更容易地评估它是否有效了。而在天空中喷洒碘化银则很难判断其降雨效果。” 卡斯帕里安补充说。


      Researchers showcased the new technique on the banks of the Rhone near Lake Geneva after constructing the gigantic mobile laser.




      Following 133 hours of firing a beam of intense laser light which created nitric acid particles in the air it resulted in binding the water molecules together to create droplets.




      Although it didn't form into actual rainfall, scientists remain positive they can soon manipulate weather conditions and even prevent showers.




      “Maybe one day this could be a way to attenuate the monsoon or reduce flooding in certain areas,” Kasparian said.

