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Backstreet is Back

1 6016 分享 来源:必克英语 2009-11-23
(straight through my heart…)
If you have an album coming out the next day, the last thing you wanna hear is one of your members has swine flu. But that’s exactly what happen to the Backstreet Boys.
“Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with the swine flu.”
A day before their 7th studio album 'this is us' hits store shelves, Brian Littrell was diagnosed with the H1N1 virus. He is on the mend and it’s yet another chapter in the ping-pong career of a vocal group that’s seen its share of ups and downs.

"Who’s the best player?" "Ah..." "You think you are, I hear." “I am.” “Are you really?” “yeah”

(Please don't change the way you are), but as we discovered while they were recording, Littrell, Nick Carter, Howie Dorough and A.J. McLean are still fiercely competitive.
"We can’t always please every critic. You're gonna have some that are more into rock music that shouldn't be probably critiquing us, you know, coming to our shows”, “But you know, a guilty pleasure, guilty pleasure is listening and falling in love love with the Backstreet Boys’ songs.”

(…hear you say. I want it that way. Tell me why) They’ve sold more than 100 million albums worldwide as balladeers , but the new CD delivers a batch of club-ready dance tunes.
(I heard the loudest noise) “You guys still have the moves”, “Well, that’s why we…” “Let’s see them(发音发成'em), come on.” “Ok, no” The four have also sidestepped some personal obstacles. McLean’s rehab, Carter’s family issues, the premature birth of Dorough’s baby and Littrell’s son being diagnosed with Kawasaki Syndrome.
“Yeah, we’ve been through a lot, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

Through it all, the Backstreet Boys have become the backstreet men.
“You guys have been around for 16 years. I can’t believe it’s been that long since the Backstreet Boys have been together.”
“It’s been great, it’s a great run and we can't wait to do another 16 and more.”
“You're really gonna get out there and give the Stones a run for their money?”
“Oh, yeah”
“Why not?” “We will be the pop stones if you want us to be …this time ….”
“Gotta be 32 years together.”