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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-13

1 11090 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-09-28


That's driving me nuts.快把我逼疯了。

A: You are so crazy. Don't ask me any more questions. OK? That's drving me nuts.

A: 你真是够疯狂,不要再问我问题了,行吗?都快把我逼疯了。

B: Darling, I know you are so kind. One more?

B: 亲爱的,我知道你最好了,再问一个问题好吗?



You should blow your own horn!不要谦虚!

A: You have some real knowledge and ability. Sometimes you should blow your own horn!

A: 你有真才实学,其实有时你不必谦虚!

B: Thank you for your suggestion.

B: 谢谢你的建议。



Head over heels in love!深深坠入爱河之中。

A: Have you noticed whether there is any difference in Gucci?

A: 你注意到最近古奇发生了什么变化?

B: That's obvious! Head over heels in love!

B: 再明显不过了,她深深坠入爱河之中。



I was on pins and needles.我感觉如坐针毡。

A: You are very late, but I was on pins and needles the whole time!

A: 你姗姗来迟,可我却如坐针毡。

B: Oh, I am so sorry.

B: 哦,我真的很抱歉。



He was on cloud nine.他高兴极了。

A: When she finally accepted his proposal to her, he was on cloud nine.

A: 当她接受他的求婚后,他高兴至极。

B: The same with you. After proposing to her, you were excited for several days.

B: 想当年你也是一样的。向她求婚后,你兴奋了好几天。



All thumbs!真是笨手笨脚!

A: Look at what you have done. All thumbs!

A: 看看你干的事,真是笨手笨脚!

B: I am so sorry, and I will pay much attention to it later.

B: 我很抱歉,我以后会更加注意的。



It's not just a flash in the pan.这并非只是昙花一现。

A: This is a precious opportunity for us and our company.

A: 这个机会对我和我们的公司来说都相当的珍贵。

B: You are right. We're hoping that this is a long-term opportunity, and not just a flash in the pan.

B: 没错。希望这次机会是长期的,并非只是昙花一现。



You are all bent out of shape.气坏你了。

A: A rude guy drove through the intersection and bumped into my car. Then he started yelling at me.

A: 一个蛮横无理的家伙直闯交叉路口,接着就撞上我的车了,还冲我大声嚷嚷。

B: It seems that you are all bent out of shape.

B: 看来真是气坏你了。



You have such a big mouth! 你真是爱多嘴!

A: Did you tell others that we are getting married soon? You have such a big mouth!

A: 你是不是告诉别人说我们准备要结婚?你真是爱多嘴!

B: I am so sorry about that. It was just a slip of the tongue.

B: 真是非常抱歉,我只是说漏嘴了。



You are sitting on the top of the world.你真是高兴啊!

A: It is known to all of us that you have been promoted and... You must be sitting on the top of the world. Congratulations to you!

A: 众所周知,你最近不仅升迁了而且还……你一定高兴坏了啊!恭喜你了!

B: Not bad! Thank you very much.

B: 还不错,非常感谢!