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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-15

2 15263 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-10-17


They give me the creeps.这让我起鸡皮疙瘩。

A: I don't like spiders for they give me the creeps. They make me feel really gross and uncomfortable.

A: 我不喜欢蜘蛛,看见它们我就起鸡皮疙瘩。它们让我感到恶心、不舒服。

B: I am so sorry. I thought you like these kinds of animals.

B: 非常抱歉,我还以为你喜欢像这样的动物呢。



He was given a red carpet welcome / treatment.他受到热烈欢迎。

A: They are so many people over there. How exciting!

A: 那里围观了许多人,真是激动人心啊!

B: Yeah, he was given the red carpet treatment and welcomed by a crown.

B: 是呀,他得到了隆重的款待及多数群众的热烈欢迎。



This is a red-letter day for Susan.今天是苏珊的大好日子。

A: This is a red-letter day for Susan. She is going to marry John.

A: 今天是苏珊的大好日子。她就要嫁给约翰了。

B: Congratulations on their marriage!

B: 恭喜他们结婚了!



She had stood me up.她放我鸽子。

A: I was afraid she had stood me up. But she finally got there.

A: 我当时真担心她放我鸽子,让我空等。可是后来她终于到了。

B: She does things like that frequently.

B: 她经常干那样的事情。



Let's go for a joy ride.让我们去兜兜风。

A: Your brand new car is so excellent. I like it very much.

A: 你新买的车好棒,我很喜欢。

B: Let's go for a joy ride.

B: 让我们去兜兜风。



Would you like to hang out with me? 和我一起出去溜达怎么样?

A: You have been staying at home for several days. Would you like to hang out with me?

A: 你在家都待了好多天了,和我一起出去溜达怎样?

B: No problem. Wait a moment.

B: 没问题,等我一下。



Eat up! 大家尽情享用吧!

A: Today is your birthday. First of all, happy birthday to you!

A: 今天是你生日,首先祝你生日快乐!

B: Thank you for coming! We will have dinner outside. Eat up!

B: 谢谢你能来,待会我们会在外面进餐,大家尽情享用吧!



Enjoy your square meal! 尽情享受大餐吧!

A: Congratulations! You have really done a good job. We will miss you very much.

A: 祝贺你。你的工作十分出色,我们会十分想念你的。

B: Me too. By the way, enjoy your square meal!

B: 我也一样,顺便说一句,尽情享受大餐吧!



Cheers! Bottoms up.干杯!要一饮而尽。

A: This is just for you. Cheers! Bottoms up.

A: 这是特意为你调制的,干杯!要一饮而尽。

B: En...It tastes good. I appreciate what you have done for me.

B: 嗯……口感不错。谢谢你为我所做的一切。



Let's go Dutch. AA制付款。

A: How about trying that new French restaurant tonight?

A: 今天晚上去那个新开的法国餐馆去试试怎么样?

B: OK. But I heard it's expensive so let's go Dutch, OK?

B: 没问题。我听说那个餐馆很贵,所以我们AA制付款,好吗?