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写作练习 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:22 - 整形手术

1 6329 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-11-19

写作练习 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:22 - 整形手术。为帮助大家做好四六级、专四专八、考研等各类英语考试的准备与复习,平台即日起推出英文写作系列,同时提供高分范文和范文音频,既可以背诵培养语感,也可以收听练习听力。(关注本站,持续更新基础英语考研资料,不定时发放英语大礼包)


In recent years, plastic surgery has become very fashionable, especially among young people. They think it is important for their sense of self-confidence regarding their appearance, or in getting a job. Other people think that it is wrong to change the features that we inherited from our parents. What is your opinion about plastic surgery?


Plastic Surgery Should Be a Personal Choice

While some people may think that plastic surgery is a waste of time and money and that surgeons could be better employed in more traditional life-saving hospital work I believe that cosmetic surgery is here to stay and in fact, plays a very important role in today's society for some people.

Nationwide most of those having cosmetic surgery fall into two groups: women in their 20s hoping to give their careers a lift, and women in their 40s who want to look younger. Mothers sometimes bring their daughters in to have surgery to improve their chances of getting a good job or landing a good husband. While some people may say that these are trivial reasons for cosmetic enhancement compared to patients who suffer from disfigurements or ugly blemishes and have more of a need for plastic surgery I would argue that such people are merely expressing their right to choose. While there are dangers in operations going wrong and often there is a large financial bill at the end most reputable hospitals would warn patients beforehand of the risks involved. At the end of the day the patient has to choose and whether he chooses rightly or wrongly is a matter of personal choice.

In conclusion, plastic surgery does benefit some people and even though there could be complications most patients are aware of them and factor these in when making their own personal choice. (236 words)


1.Some older women like to recapture the beauty of their youth by having cosmetic enhancement.


2.Some people think that an aging appearance also reflects a declining brain and therefore,having plastic surgery will rejuvenate the body and mind.


3.Although there may be risks involved with plastic surgery, the rewards are always higher.


4.In today's competitive job market some people feel that an artificially enhanced appearance gives them an edge over their rivals.


5.While beauty may be only skin-deep that is the first thing that a prospective employer sees and will judge upon.


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